Friday, December 17, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

As many before me have named it; a woman in search for everything across Italy, India and Indonesia.
This will only be a quick review, as I am not re-reading this book, but merely reviewing from memory before I go onto read the follow up book by Elizabeth Gilbert - Committed.
As many already know from either reading the book, or watching the film featuring Julia Roberts as Elizabeth, this is a story about loosing it all in the early mid-life crisis that hits Elizabeth. She had h home, a husband, a successful career and yet instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she was consumed with panic, grief and confusion.
To recover from this she decides to leave the country and travel to three different destinations in order to find her-self, develop a new passion for life, and learn to enjoy life again.
The journey that Elizabeth goes through and the way she has put it all down on paper is mesmerising and funny.
She encounters new people that allow her to view he life from a different angle, new cultures that allow her to explore and enjoy life and spiritually explore here-self.
An articulate and moving memoir of one woman's self-discovery, eat, pray, love is about what can happen, what can be achieved when you take life into your own hands and stop trying to Kobe by social expectations.
It is an absorbing read that I fully recommend as a must read.
And now I will go onto read ;Committed, I can only hope it is as mesmerising as eat, pray, love.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

As I have said before, these last books of the Harry Potter phenomena show more genius of imagination than the earlier books.
The twists and turns in the plot that the reader encounters are phenomenal. I am rather lost for words to best describe the sensation of reading this books; I can only compare it with driving on a very misty night, you can only see far enough ahead to keep moving forward, yet it is unknown as to what will be encountered as you move forward into the misty and unpredictable path in front.
As many have said before, this is the best possible way for the Harry Potter story to come to an end, although loss, sadness and pain live in the pages, so do love, friendship and joy to an equal power.
Harry leaves Pivet Drive for the last time as he, Ron and Hermione set out on the adventure that has been left to them by the instruction of Dumbledore, we see every level of emotion experienced as the three of them encounter challenges of every sort in order to reach their final goal.
Meanwhile we learn the power of friendship as we watch friends and families stand and fight for Harry; even while he is in hiding and his mission and whereabouts is unknown to all.
The sacrifices of all that have ever called Harry a friend are great, some bestowed by the most unexpected.
I do not wish to say to much, due to the chance that some people who might chance to read this have not yet had the pleasure of reading the Harry Potter books.... I will only say that the battle that finishes off this phenomena and determine whether good or evil will win, displays courage, strength and loyalty like never before, as the plot thickens to it's most extreme, characters true colours are revealed, those unanswered questions are answered in a most unexpected form, and our protagonist lives up to both his and his friends expectations as his final actions determin the fate of the wizarding world.....

For those who have not yet had the pleasure of experiencing the world of Harry Potter, the seven book series is available in box set ..... Perhaps a good Christmas present for someone you know!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Love, loss and sacrifice are the words that catch me as I finish the fifth instalment to Harry potter series.
Rowling out shines her self in these last two books of the Harry Potter series, as her bold imagination reaches new levels of brilliance and cunning as we follow the tale of Harry Potter and learn more about the thickly twisted plot of his past and the people who have defined who he is at the age of 16.
In the previous books we begins to see certain characters become more defined and prominent with in the story. These characters will be taking on larger rolls still as we follow the imagination of Rowling through these last two books.
The plot thickens as soon as the first page is opened, revealing a certain character making promises to the other side.
This revelation known only to the reader is followed by Dumbledores visit to the Dursleys to take Harry off to the Burrow.
The relationship between the two now strengthened.... Dumbledore makes exceptions for his favourite student, as well as guiding him through the novel toward finding out the truth behind how Voldemort managed to come back, and how to ultimately defeat him. ( the reader learnt at the end of book five, the prophesy states that only one can survive)
As term begins Harry, Ron and Hermione soon learn that their sixth year (despite the number of frees they now have in their time table) is going to be hard work, from day one the homework piles up, especially from snap who is now the defence against the dark arts Professor.
The potions position being filled by Professor Slughorn, this class is proving easiest as Harry is handed a second hand book that is labelled to of belong to the Half-Blood prince, and is swamped with notes o make every potion easier and more affective, making Harry best in his class and Slughorns favourite pupil.
This second hand book also contains a number of jinxes' they had never heard of before, but one they had all witnessed the death eaters use the previous year.
With all this work Harry still has to find time for Quiditch... Of which he is now captian and has to put a new team together, as well as all his lesson with Dumbledore, in which he is visiting various memories from the past to better inform Harry of Voldemorts past.... More mysterious than the things Harry sees from the past is Dumbledores continuous absence from Hogwarts... As well as the suspicious behaviour of Malfoys.
Whilst trying to piece all of the information together, Harry, Ron and Hermione Face greatest tasks as their emotions and feelings towards the other sex become more acute. Predictably the forever bickering Ron and Hermione attempt to hide their feelings from one another, resulting in a gap in which they stop talking to one another.
More unexpected are Harrys feelings as he begins to see Ginny in a new way, his fears of what Ron might say keep him under control for a while.
As we near the end of the book things begin to darken when Harry and Dumbledore; on return from a mission to collect one of the Horcruxes, see the dark Mark hovering over the castle, hurrying to get back to the castle they are faced with an unforeseeable situation which results in the saddest and most shocking death we have yet encountered in the world of Harry Potter.
This death marks a new time for all, especially Harry, who along with Ron and Hermione, have to now complete the tasks set by Dumbledore and inevitably face Voldemort.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix

In this fifth instalment to the Harry Potter series Harry discovers loss and danger like never before.
Unlike the previous books, the danger begins before he sets foot at Hogwarts school, as Harry quickly learn on one of his night strolls near the house of his aunt and uncle Dursely, accompanied; unwantingly, by his cousins as they head back to the house they encounter two dementors coming at them. Harry is forced to produce a petronus spell in order to save their lives: this sets out a wirl wind of situations into action, Harry is summoned to a curt case at the Ministry to decide whether he will be expelled, followed by th appearance of a number of wizards at his uncles house, who after a summer of silence, are to take him to The Headquaters.
On arrival there, we are introduced to the Order of the phoenix; a small 'army' formed by Dumbledore, of wizards who are willing to fight against anything that Voldemorte has in store.
Harry sonts the following month at the Headquaters (the old house of serius' parents) with Serius, the Weasleys , Hermione and many more wizards. During this month Harry attends his court hearing; in which the scared Fudge is desperately trying to expel Harry, but with little luck due to the presence of Dumbledore.
Once back at Hogwarts things only get worse as they soon discover that the Ministry is keeping a very close eye on Dumbledore through the new defence against the dark arts professor Umbridge. This is all due to the Ministers fear that Dumbledore is trying to raise an army again him.
The lack of pratical defence practice that Umbridge forces onto the students leads Harry, Hermione, Ron and 25 other students to create there own secrets group where they can all practice defence charms. - ironically the groups if named Dumbledores army, which later had grave consequences.
The sombre mood that fills the school due to Umbridge is contagious, as she has the ministry write up a number of new laws resulting in her having supreme authority over all the teachers.
With Christmas near and the prospect of spending it with the Weasleys, Harrys mood lifts, until he has a vision in his sleep of Mr.Weasley being attacked- which is infact reality and Mr Weasleys quick rescue secures his survival. But the trouble continues for Harry as he is now aware that the link between himself and Voldemorte is so extreme that Voldemorte can enter his mind.
For the first time ever Harry dreads his return to Hogwarts, with the OWL examinations coming up and the prospect of having to take extra lessons with Snape in order to try and close his mind off to Voldemorte, the only thing that he had to look forward to was the continuation of the DA meetings.
This is short lived though due to Umbridge's discovery of the groups existence, she quickly takes to case to Dumbledore and the ministers- Dumbledore claims that th group is his and his along being Dumbledores Army, this sacrifice for Harry results in Dumbledore having to go into hiding.
The result of Dumbledores departure meant that Umbridge steps in as Head of the school- students and teaches alike take and even greater dislike to her, but none as strong as the Weasley twins who take it upon them selves to cause as much trouble as possible, explosions, fireworks and more soon fill the school..... Ending in the twins flying out of the school grounds before they can be expelled.

With almost all of the OWL examinations over, Harry gets another vision during his last examination, in which Voldemorte has once again capture and tortured a member of the Order, only this time is is someone so loved by Harry that he and a few members of the DA fly to the Ministry to rescue the person.
A spectacular fight is put-up by the DA members agains the many death eaters who are waiting for them, the apperance of a number of the Order members takes the fight to another level- but this war ends in a tragedy that is felt immensely by Harry, as he looses his new.y found father figure.
The battle ends in the entrance to the ministry between Dumbledore and Voldmorte, who are soon joined by a large number of Ministry wizards who get a glimps of Voldemorte before he vanished and results in there no longer being any doubt about his return to power.
Through the loss of one father figure, Harry discovers that he is much more over and cherish by another than he had ever known. This love for Harry had stopped Dumbledor from telling Harry the truth about the link between Harry and Voldemorte, he tells Harry what he always should of about the prophesy which will either results in harrys downfall or trump over evil.

As I get closer to the end of the Harry Potter series, I find that Rowling's characters become more defined and prominent, making characters actions more telling, and hints easier to understand and depict.
It becomes easier to define the good and evil characteristics, and there fore defining the characters paths with in the books as we come closer and closer to the war between good and evil.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

This instalment to the Harry Potter series begins in a different light; unlike the previous three books that have begun at the Dursleys house, this books opens withe a very different scene in which we learn that Wormtail has succeeded in returning to his Master, Voldemort, and is helping him regain his strength and plan the murder of Harry Potter in an old abandoned house in a quiet muggle village.
the books then goes to join Harry arfet having woken up from a troublesome dream in which he saw the scene with Wormtail and Voldemort. Having spent another boring summer at the Dursleys we encounter a fun entrance back into the wizarding world as we watch the Weasleys attempt to interact with the muggle Dursleys with great failure as Fred and George, as always, mange to bring their amusing personalities forward as they play a trick on the porky Dudley.
Back at the Burrow ( where they all meet again after the summer month) the fun and laughter continues (except for Mrs Weasley whom is extremely angrepy at the twins).
The fun and light hearted entrance of all the characters does not last long as the dark side reappears with all force.
At the Quiditch World Cup Harry discovers that the wizarding world is a lot more wide spread than he had thought, as on arrival with the Waesleys and Hermione, they encounter thousands of wizards from all over the world, many attending wizarding schools from their one countries.
There is another discovery to be made at the World Cup, as a riot breaks out, introducing the death eaters (Voldemorts followers) followed by an unknown wizard conjuring up the dark Mark which glows over the camp site, scaring everyone, as th dark Mark can only mean one thing; Voldemort is getting stonger again.
Back at Hogwarts we discover that a Wizarding Tornamanet that is held between students from different schools is to take place at Hogwarts, for the first time in over a decade. Bringing students from two different schools to resigned at Hogwarts for the year.
Mysteriously Harrys name appears as a 'fourth' contestant, despite having not placed his name there (dand the fact that there are only mention to be three contestants, and there was an age line placed around the goblet) which can only mean one thing, there was strong dark magic behind it.
Peoles reactions to this vary through out the school, the strongest reaction is that of Ron's, whom is lead by jealousy, causing him not to talk to Harry. Both of them held back by stubbornness, refuse to be the first to appologise, leaving them both sad and not talking for a long spell.
Hermione being the only one that truly believes that Harry did not put his name in the Goblet of Fire, comforts and helps Harry; along with serius, whom harry calls on for help and advise.
In the mean while we watch as Hermine tries to fight for house elf rights, where as the house elfs are happy and wish nothing more than to get on with their work.
As the first challenge is completed and the four contestants get through alive, the reader sees Harry and Ron (in true guy fashion) leave all their fighting behind them ( after a few stuttering unfinished sentences) and they once again become the best of friends.
With his two best friends by his side once again, one challenge down, and serius correspondence becoming more frequent, Harry is ready for the Christmas holidays.
Harry and Ron discover that they are about to face bigger challenges, as the news of the Tri-wizard Ball is to take place over the Christmas holidays.
They bgins to look at girls inna different light, as they attempt to find dates for the ball.
The end of the Christmas holidays arrives quickly and brings a lot more mysteries and dark times with it. After having taken a bath with his egg; Harry sees on his Maralders map that Barty Crouch is sneaking around in Snapes office (after having been too ill to appear at work for weeks). This along with a few other mysteriious happenings (which i will not spoil for you) are Rowling's very cleverly hidden clues as to what is coming.
After completing another challenge, Harry, Ron and Hermione go to Hogsmead, but not to go to the shops, ,but to visit Serius who has now returned (due to his growng concern for Harry) and is hiding in the village.
Summer arrives and the third challenge soon dawns on Harry, but there is much darker happenings waiting for Harry; than he could have anticipated, as he enters the maze.
Harry and Cedric, having arrived at the cup at the same time, soon discover the cup is a portkey as they both grab it at the same time and find them slaves transported to a dark grave yard miles away from the school.
I will not spoil it for those few who have not read the book or seen the film, I will merely say that the sad and dark chapters that follow the arrival of the two students in the grave yard, ones Harry and his world into much darker times.
Managing to escape and return to Hogwarts Harry is comforted by Serius, Dumbledore, Hermione and the Weasleys as what happens brings a dark shadow over Hogwarts and the magical world.
Struck by Fudges (the minister of magic) stubbornness to believe that th pe dark Lord has indeed returned, Dumbledore decides to take matters into his own hand and begins to devise plans to protect them all against the inevitable dark times ahead.
The school year once again comes to an end, and Harry is off to spend a long summer holiday with the Dursleys.