Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix

In this fifth instalment to the Harry Potter series Harry discovers loss and danger like never before.
Unlike the previous books, the danger begins before he sets foot at Hogwarts school, as Harry quickly learn on one of his night strolls near the house of his aunt and uncle Dursely, accompanied; unwantingly, by his cousins as they head back to the house they encounter two dementors coming at them. Harry is forced to produce a petronus spell in order to save their lives: this sets out a wirl wind of situations into action, Harry is summoned to a curt case at the Ministry to decide whether he will be expelled, followed by th appearance of a number of wizards at his uncles house, who after a summer of silence, are to take him to The Headquaters.
On arrival there, we are introduced to the Order of the phoenix; a small 'army' formed by Dumbledore, of wizards who are willing to fight against anything that Voldemorte has in store.
Harry sonts the following month at the Headquaters (the old house of serius' parents) with Serius, the Weasleys , Hermione and many more wizards. During this month Harry attends his court hearing; in which the scared Fudge is desperately trying to expel Harry, but with little luck due to the presence of Dumbledore.
Once back at Hogwarts things only get worse as they soon discover that the Ministry is keeping a very close eye on Dumbledore through the new defence against the dark arts professor Umbridge. This is all due to the Ministers fear that Dumbledore is trying to raise an army again him.
The lack of pratical defence practice that Umbridge forces onto the students leads Harry, Hermione, Ron and 25 other students to create there own secrets group where they can all practice defence charms. - ironically the groups if named Dumbledores army, which later had grave consequences.
The sombre mood that fills the school due to Umbridge is contagious, as she has the ministry write up a number of new laws resulting in her having supreme authority over all the teachers.
With Christmas near and the prospect of spending it with the Weasleys, Harrys mood lifts, until he has a vision in his sleep of Mr.Weasley being attacked- which is infact reality and Mr Weasleys quick rescue secures his survival. But the trouble continues for Harry as he is now aware that the link between himself and Voldemorte is so extreme that Voldemorte can enter his mind.
For the first time ever Harry dreads his return to Hogwarts, with the OWL examinations coming up and the prospect of having to take extra lessons with Snape in order to try and close his mind off to Voldemorte, the only thing that he had to look forward to was the continuation of the DA meetings.
This is short lived though due to Umbridge's discovery of the groups existence, she quickly takes to case to Dumbledore and the ministers- Dumbledore claims that th group is his and his along being Dumbledores Army, this sacrifice for Harry results in Dumbledore having to go into hiding.
The result of Dumbledores departure meant that Umbridge steps in as Head of the school- students and teaches alike take and even greater dislike to her, but none as strong as the Weasley twins who take it upon them selves to cause as much trouble as possible, explosions, fireworks and more soon fill the school..... Ending in the twins flying out of the school grounds before they can be expelled.

With almost all of the OWL examinations over, Harry gets another vision during his last examination, in which Voldemorte has once again capture and tortured a member of the Order, only this time is is someone so loved by Harry that he and a few members of the DA fly to the Ministry to rescue the person.
A spectacular fight is put-up by the DA members agains the many death eaters who are waiting for them, the apperance of a number of the Order members takes the fight to another level- but this war ends in a tragedy that is felt immensely by Harry, as he looses his new.y found father figure.
The battle ends in the entrance to the ministry between Dumbledore and Voldmorte, who are soon joined by a large number of Ministry wizards who get a glimps of Voldemorte before he vanished and results in there no longer being any doubt about his return to power.
Through the loss of one father figure, Harry discovers that he is much more over and cherish by another than he had ever known. This love for Harry had stopped Dumbledor from telling Harry the truth about the link between Harry and Voldemorte, he tells Harry what he always should of about the prophesy which will either results in harrys downfall or trump over evil.

As I get closer to the end of the Harry Potter series, I find that Rowling's characters become more defined and prominent, making characters actions more telling, and hints easier to understand and depict.
It becomes easier to define the good and evil characteristics, and there fore defining the characters paths with in the books as we come closer and closer to the war between good and evil.

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