Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is as captivating and magical as I remember.
As the novel begins we discover Harry as a baby being left on the door step of his horrible aunt and uncle Dersley, the first chapter is through the point of view of uncle Dersley and we learn of what a bullying character he is.
We then jump forward ten years and the young boy Harry Potter takes on his role as the protagonist and main focaliser of the novel, the narrator stays with him as Harry discovers his wizarding ancestors and the truth about his parents and their world, which was now to become his as well. When Harry enters into the world of Hogwarts School we learn about the wonders and dangers, we watch Harry make friends for the first time with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as well as discover that Hogwarts was a place that he could call home.
The adventures; fun and dangerous, that we experience with the three friends develops each characters into their own.
Hogwarts never fails in creating an cozy and friendly atmosphere as equally as it can denote danger and fear, the combination is captivating.
The tone of the novel is straightforward, fitting for a childrens novel, the language is simple and easy to grasp making it the perfect book for all ages.
The narrator never imposes moral judgement on any character, allowing the reader free range of imagination in order to praise or condem a character.
Hidden with on the novel are so many great and important lessons:
'it does not well to dwell on dreams and forget to live'
'the truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treating with caution'
'it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends'

I had not read the novel in a long time, and I believe that it was more captivating now than it was went I last read it years ago, it displays the joy and struggles of childhood (in a rather more exciting world) with such perfection.

And now it is time for me to re-open the pages of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!!!

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