Monday, November 29, 2010

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

This 3rd installment to the phenomena that is Harry Potter has to be my favorite out of the earlier books in the 7 book series.
Before I go onto tell you why, I have to ward all of those who have not yet reds them, that there are going to be some spoilers below, do feel free to look away if you do not want to find out more.

The introduction of a new character is the reason that I love this book so much, this new character is miss-interpreted and falsely put in the prison of azkaban for 12 years, by the end of the novel this 'mad man' manages to capture the readers hearts ( along with Harry own) after the truth is revealed.
Before I talk to much more about this, I will introduce the book:

As another horrible summer month with the Dursley's comes to an end, Harry gets a surprise on his birthday, but not a good one, his 'aunt Marge' is coming to stay.
After one to many insults from his aunt, Harry looses his cool and blows his aunt up like a giant balloon. His spontaneous act leaves him scared and with out a place to stay, as he storms out of the Dursley's house.
Unknowingly Harry calls for the wizard night bus, which takes him to The Leaky Cauldron by Diagon Alley, when on this bus Harry learns about the 'mad man' black who has escaped from Azkaban.
Awaiting harry at the Leaky Cauldron is the minister of magic who is surprisingly happy to see Harry and does not punish him for the use of magic outside Hogwarts. Instead he makes Harry promise to stay with in the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley before returning to school.

The day before the Hogwarts express the Weasley's and Hermione join him, and Harry discovers later at night that Black escaped from Azkaban so that he could come after Harry.

Once back at Hogwarts Harry, Ron and Hermione settle back into school life and the adventure that come with it.
There are many new things to be met at Hogwarts this year, werewolfs, dementors, boggarts, maurades map, lupin and black.
Professor Lupin,another new character who is loved by all, Is to be the new defense against the dark arts teacher. His cool manners and fun lessons make him a favorite with the students, especially Harry who turns to him for help against the dementors.
The dementors are horrible creatures that feed off peoples happiness (J K Rowling has said in an interview that the dementors resemble depression and the feelings of cold, numb and sadness that come with it).
The dementors affect Harry more than others as he had known great loss, and through the dementors Harry hears the last words his parents spoke before they died.
Lupin helps Harry learn spell that can sent the dementors away, during these lessons through out the year Harry learns small things about his parents through their old friend, Lupin.

Thanks to Hagrid, who is now the professor of care of magical creatures, we are introduced to a new animal, the hippogriff, and one in particular called buckbeak who plays an important role towards the end of the book.

We also see the troubles of childhood friendship as Harry, Ron and Hermione battle with friendship troubles after Hermione told on Harrys mysterious broomstick that was sent by an unknown person ( as well as due to troubles with Heremiones new cat) we see the three of them discover where their loyalties lye, after weeks of not talking, due to blacks break into the castle followed by the news of buckbeaks execution bringing them back together.

Through out the book we learn more and more about Sirius Black, he was Harry's dads closest friend, he is Harry godfather and he betrayed Harry's parents.
It is not until the end that the truth is uncovered and Harry learns a lot of new information about his dad and what really happened the night they died.
Harry suddenly discovers that he is standing in a room with his dads best friends, one of whom did betray them, but it is no one that anyone has expected.
It does strike me as off at how fast Harry warms to Black and agrees to the proposal of living with him as his godfather and guardian.
I can only assume it is in a desperate attempts to know his parents better through the person that knew them best, and represent his want of a solid father figure, as a boy who longs for family and a place to belong.

his dream of living with Black is soon ripped away from him, as the true culprit gets loose when Lupin ( having forgotten his potion) turns into a werewolf, and causes havoc.
Black ends up locked away again, and only Harry,Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore and Lupin know the truth.
Harry and Hermione have to go on a difficult mission to free the innocent black from a horrible fate. Once free Black has to run and go into hiding.

harry's immediate trust and love for Black creates the reader to also love the character.

This book is a turning point in the series as it gets a lot darker, and opens a new darker atmosphere for the next books.

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