Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last Train from Liguria by Christine dwyer Hickey

Last train from Liguria is a breakthrough novel for Christine Dwyer Hickey.
Bella Stuart daughter of a London surgeon sets out to Italy in 1933 to work for the Lami family. They have a house in Sicily and a summer house on the Italian reviera. Bella ends up at the summer house as the new professor of Alec the Lima’s son.

Bella goes out there not knowing anything about the family, she is surprised to find out; when she finally meets her, that the Signora is younger than herself.

Signor Lima dies soon after Bellas arrival and Bella, along with Edward (the piano teacher) are left to rain Alec whilst Signora Lima is of travelling around Europe finding her self a new husband.

The literary images of the Italian sea side village are extremely vivid and well done, you can sense the atmosphere, feel the sea breeze and understand the local Italians through Hickey’s imaginative writing.

Years go past and Bella is still there, more attached to Alec and the Seaside village with each passing day.

She is left in charge of all the decision at the house, more so after the Signora Lima re-marries and spends even less time with her son than before.

Bella and Edward soon face tough decisions as Hitler grows bigger through out Europe, they have to make some life changing decision about what to do with Alec (a Jew from his mothers side) and the Signora is not present to help them.

Mean while the reader learns a lot more about Bella through her Granddaughter who’s story is referred back to through out the book
When Bella dies her granddaughter begins to uncover a past that she never knew her grandmother had.

It is a well planned out novel that will keep you gripped through out, it is mesmerizing, shocking and emotional all at the same time.
An amazing accomplishment for Dwyer Hickey and a must read.

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