Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Royal Wedding: William and Kate the movie

despite all the poor things said about this film, I found that yesterday when the film appeared on TV I did not change the channel. In stead I went onto watch the film, rather sceptically I must add.

The main thing I have to say is that for anyone interested or lets say close to obsessed (as some people are) about the love story between William and Kate then it is worth watching.

The Quality is poor, as is the acting and the cast choice. But it allowed me to understand the love story of William and Kate a little better and after all is that is why people will be watching it. because I can promise you it will not be for the acting skills or great cinema.

I am also pretty convinced that, despite claiming to be inspired from true event, that there are a lot of scene that have been added to create a more Hollywood feel to the film, such as William singing karaoke to gain Kate's attention.

As a British fan of Kate i like to believe that the basis of the story line is true, that she hung back, was not throwing her self at William like every other girl seemed to be. I also feel sorry for Kate due to the torment she went through with the paparazzi and the constant hounding from the media.

All in all i would say that this is a film that any William and Kate fans should watch, but don't expect miracles and take the story line with a pinch of salt.

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