Tuesday, April 26, 2011

William and Kate: The Royal Wedding Merchandise

After watching the film yesterday I couldn’t help but do some research on the Royal Wedding of William and Kate. Although I am English I live elsewhere in Europe and have not been so caught up in the phenomenal extravaganza that is now the royal wedding.
I found out today that there are daily updates on the wedding plans as well as stories about the couple on the TV, radio, newspapers and magazine. Well seeing as I am not living in England I had not realized how over the top it has all become and was greatly surprised when I found that they are even doing commemorative merchandise for the public to buy; everything from tea towels to books and lots more.
Here are a few pictures of various merchandise you can buy:

Now don't get me wrong, I think that they make a lovely couple and i wish them all the happiness in the world, BUT i do think that people are going extremely over the top for the big wedding. i can tell you this much, i will not be buying any of the royal wedding merchandise. I will be tuning in on Friday morning to watch the wedding live though.

Oh and lets not exclude the books that are available about the lovely couple:

There are many more i promise you, but i will not bore you with putting them all up on here!

If you are a fanatic about the couple then there is plenty of reading for you to be digging into.

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